Verse about Agreement

Verse About Agreement: Inspiring Words to Foster Harmony

Agreement is one of the most important aspects of any relationship. Whether it be personal or professional, it helps to build trust, collaboration and progress. Fortunately, there are plenty of inspirational verses that can encourage agreement and foster harmony in our lives. From the Bible to the Quran and beyond, here are some of the most compelling verses about agreement.

1. «Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.» — Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV)

This verse from the Bible highlights the importance of having a partner in life and work. When two people agree on a goal, the labor becomes easier, and they can help each other in times of difficulty. It emphasizes the idea of togetherness and teamwork in achieving a common objective.

2. «And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah, and do not be divided» — Quran 3:103 (Yusuf Ali Translation)

In Islam, the Quran teaches that Muslims should unite and not be divided. The verse above promotes the idea of holding onto a common source of guidance, which is Allah, and staying together as a community. This promotes agreement and harmony in a group setting.

3. «How good and pleasant it is when God`s people live together in unity!» — Psalm 133:1 (NIV)

This verse from the Bible emphasizes the importance of unity in the community of God`s people. It emphasizes the strength that comes when people are in agreement with one another, and how it leads to a pleasant life.

4. «A house divided against itself cannot stand.» — Mark 3:25 (NIV)

This famous quote from Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Bible, is a reminder that disagreement can lead to destruction. It emphasizes the importance of unity and agreement in any group or organization.

5. «Agreement is like a fortress; dissent is like a plague.» — Arabian Proverb

This proverb from the Arab world emphasizes the importance of agreement in building a strong foundation. It highlights how dissent can be damaging like a plague, and how agreement and unity can be a protective fortress.


In conclusion, these verses and proverbs highlight the importance of agreement in various aspects of our lives. They teach us how to work together, stay united, and achieve common goals. By adopting these principles, we can create harmony in our personal and professional relationships.

As writers and editors, we can use these verses to inspire our content. We can create material that promotes agreement, unity, and collaboration. This can help us connect with our audience and promote positive change in the world.

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