Collaboration Agreement between Pa Physician

Collaboration Agreement between PA Physician – Key Points to Consider

Collaboration is an essential element in the healthcare industry, and physicians in Pennsylvania have the option of working together under a collaboration agreement. This agreement allows doctors to work together to provide the highest quality of care to patients. However, before entering into a collaboration agreement, it is crucial to understand the key points involved. This article will explore the vital aspects that Pennsylvania physicians must consider when entering into a collaboration agreement.

What is a collaboration agreement?

A collaboration agreement is a formal agreement between two or more physicians that outlines the terms and conditions of their partnership. Generally, the document establishes the responsibilities of each physician, including the division of duties, financial arrangements, and management. The collaboration agreement must comply with the Pennsylvania Medical Practices Act (MPA) and be approved by the State Board of Medicine.

Key Points to Consider

1. Qualification Requirements

Pennsylvania law requires that at least one of the physicians must have extensive training and experience in the medical specialty where they plan to work together. The physician who satisfies the qualification requirement must provide documented evidence of their experience in the medical specialty.

2. Scope of Collaboration

The collaboration agreement must specify the scope of the physicians` collaboration, including the medical services and procedures they will perform together. Additionally, the document should list the medical procedures that the collaborating physician is not authorized to perform.

3. Financial Arrangements

The collaboration agreement should outline the financial arrangements between the collaborating physicians, including how they will share revenue and expenses. This includes the distribution of overhead costs, including rent, equipment, and staffing needs.

4. Supervision and Consultation Requirements

The collaboration agreement should also define the supervision and consultation requirements between the collaborating physicians. It must clarify the conditions under which one physician will supervise the other, such as when a physician is new to the practice or if a patient`s condition requires it. Additionally, the agreement must specify how the physicians will communicate, whether it is in-person, through telemedicine, or via phone.

5. Managing Medical Records

The collaboration agreement should outline the procedures for managing medical records. It should specify how the physicians will share patient information and maintain confidentiality, including how to notify patients about the collaboration arrangement. It should also clarify which physician will maintain the patient`s medical records, including who is responsible for the patient`s medical care if one physician leaves the practice.


In conclusion, a collaboration agreement provides a means for physicians in Pennsylvania to work together to provide quality healthcare services. However, these agreements must comply with the Pennsylvania Medical Practices Act and be approved by the State Board of Medicine. Before entering into a collaboration agreement, physicians must consider crucial points such as the qualification requirements, scope of collaboration, financial arrangements, supervision and consultation requirements, and managing medical records. Ensuring that all these points are outlined in the agreement will help physicians to work together efficiently and deliver top-notch care to their patients.

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